Social impact
We help improve the lives of underserved people by promoting better financial inclusion for individuals, support SME growth and agriculture in underserved regions to deliver economic growth, and provide access to essential services such as healthcare, education and affordable housing.
We help improve the lives of underserved people by promoting better financial inclusion for individuals, support SME growth and agriculture in underserved regions to deliver economic growth, and provide access to essential services such as healthcare, education and affordable housing.
Inclusive growth
We believe economic growth should be delivered fairly across different segments of society.
Financial inclusion
The World Bank estimates that 1.4 billion adults remain unbanked worldwide[1], meaning they lack access to basic financial services like savings, credit and insurance that could lead to improved financial health and stability. These individuals are often women, poorer, less educated, and/or living in rural areas, and are restricted from investing in productive assets, smoothing income fluctuations, protecting against unforeseen events and accumulating wealth over time.
BlueEarth investment themes
We invest alongside institutions offering responsible and affordable financial services to underserved populations across the globe, including small-medium businesses, specialty finance for students and first-time home buyers, and micro-entrepreneurs. In addition, we invest in companies that apply technology to traditional business models, helping to broaden access to financial services and reduce transaction costs.

SME Growth
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) serve as the backbone of the global economy, contributing to job creation, innovation and overall economic development. Nevertheless, over 40% of formal SMEs in developing countries lack access to formal credit, and the share is even larger if we consider informal SMEs.
BlueEarth investment themes
We look to offer much needed growth capital to SMEs around the globe. We partner with proven management teams to finance the expansion of small and medium-sized businesses and established companies seeking to expand into new sectors or geographies. We find that these SMEs are often shut out of traditional financial markets, and our creative and tailor-made financing solutions may increase access and efficiency within this segment of the market.

Agriculture is a significant contributor to gross domestic product, employment and economic growth in many emerging economies. Smallholder farmers’ contributions to the food supply varies widely between emerging markets, and many face difficulties growing enough food to feed their families as well as lacking access to best practices, technology and capital.
BlueEarth investment themes
We invest across the entire agricultural value chain, from inclusive agriculture businesses that provide transparency and income stability, to smallholder farmers that help reduce the yield gap, to agricultural processors and buyers looking to deliver greater market linkage efficiency and food security stability.

Access to essential services
We believe it should be a fundamental right for everyone to have access to the essential services of healthcare, education and housing.
Access to healthcare is a major global issue, with the World Health Organization (WHO) estimating that over half of the world’s population lacks access to essential health services. Even for those who have access to healthcare, over 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty every year due to high medical costs6. Early access to healthcare, including diagnostics and prevention, can save lives.
BlueEarth investment themes
We enhance access to affordable, high-quality healthcare by supporting scalable, localized, and affordable care delivery models, such as primary care networks, outpatient specialty care, and ancillary healthcare services. We also invest in innovative physical, digital, and blended care models and diagnostics, as well as in local and regional manufacturing and distribution businesses that strengthen healthcare supply chain resilience.

Access to education in low-income countries is often hindered by a lack of resources and inadequate infrastructure. According to UNESCO, at least 244 million children and adolescents were not attending school in 2021. When people can’t access education, it not only stops them from breaking out of poverty but also puts the growth of entire countries at risk.
BlueEarth investment themes
We enhance access to quality education by financing schools to provide basic resources and high-quality education at affordable prices, offering low-cost loans to students and families in need, providing vocational training to improve the employability of low-skilled workers, and utilizing technology to expand access to affordable, quality education to underserved populations.

Affordable housing
The problem of affordable housing affects billions of people worldwide, as inadequate housing and slums are prevalent in both developing and developed countries. Unfortunately, this problem is expected to worsen as the urban population continues to grow.
BlueEarth investment themes
We provide financing for affordable housing developments that increase the supply of affordable and quality housing for previously underserved market segments, and support institutions offering inclusive mortgages and other specialized finance products to low-income people across the globe.


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