Your career atBlue Earth Capital

At Blue Earth Capital, we are committed to addressing the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges while aiming for market-rate financial returns. Discover the unique characteristics of Blue Earth Capital that allow you to contribute to positive change.

At Blue Earth Capital, we are committed to addressing the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges while aiming for market-rate financial returns. Discover the unique characteristics of Blue Earth Capital that allow you to contribute to positive change.

Why you will grow with us

Global presence, local impact

With diverse, driven teams in Zug, London, New York, and Konstanz you will work in a truly international environment, collaborating with professionals from all kinds of backgrounds.

Empowerment and support

You will work in small, dedicated teams, take on significant responsibilities from an early stage, and thrive in a supportive atmosphere.

Continuous learning

You will benefit from comprehensive on-the-job and external training programs, fostering a steep learning curve.

Competitive compensation

We value our employees and offer compensation that reflects their contributions and expertise.

Explore our open roles

Follow the link below to see how you can make a difference with us:

View our vacancies here

Contact us

For more information about careers at Blue Earth Capital, please reach out to